Bunny trail post. BTW - I'm known for bunny trails but I
do get back to my point - here, that'd be the previous two posts - I will get back to them. Because of what happened yesterday I realized spontaneity will be part of this blog Growing In Fullness! Over the years I've experienced God's unexpected ways of showing me something. So be watchful for that in your own life (part of fullness) and don't be surprised by my bunny trails.
Now, what does fullness have to do with aging?!
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel scene clip |
Well yesterday a friend and I went to see
"The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" - a sometimes funny and meaningful movie about growing old. In addition, to my surprise and delight another friend was also at the movie - we went out for 'coffee' afterwards. Insights on FULLNESS emerged as we talked about the movie!
My dear friends shared similar private thoughts on the loneliness that seems to accompany growing old and not liking the prospect of that in their lives. I could echo their sentiments as (in my aging) I've reflected on and observed the possibility of 'all alone in old age'. The movie's characters portray this old age loneliness by - losing a life long spouse, divorced and alone, unexpected financial debt that drastically change lifestyle and social opportunities, health-related issues that bring limitations, not being needed anymore, passed down prejudices, a longing to be touched and loved.
One of my friends expressed, "When you get old it's like you don't matter anymore." Then the Lord started to stir up insight.
It dawned on me this 'all alone in old age' and 'don't matter anymore' doesn't have to be! God never designed it that way! He planned fullness of relationships. The world only offers limitations - e.g. one can lose a lifelong spouse and be all alone, but get happily remarried then lose that spouse too. Alone again in old age.
Consider this - God is the most relational being there is. He designed us to be just like Him - big time relational with Him and others. His kind of relationship for us with others is not based on age, intellect, education, job, ministry, talents, personality, good looks, strength, influence, ethnicity, culture..., but is based on a Person. When His Son Jesus is in us and we in Him then we are part of His body - spiritually and earthly. Our understanding of relationship takes on a heightened value and purpose. His body life is to express itself without regard to any of the aforementioned (fleeting) limitations. In fact, if you find yourself 'in His body' segregated and limited in relationships because of age-stage, gender, single/married/divorced, giftings or no giftings, income, programs, religious hierarchical structures, etc. - then you are not experiencing the fullness of relationship God intends. Don't let that be your lot. There's more!
This facet of truth about FULLNESS brought excitement and peace to me in regards to thoughts of 'growing old and being alone'. I'm so grateful to be experiencing and learning about this relational fullness with others that are in Him, but now I see the extended benefit! I'm smiling at the future of growing old in fullness.
Lord bring us into the true fullness of relationships.
Help us understand it's only possible in Jesus!
Let us see this relational fullness is to be
limitless here and now!
Free us from the fear of relationships
lessening or ceasing in old age.
Break off of us religious traditions and mindsets
that hinder relational fullness.
Expose and remove critical views that cause us to
focus on outward appearances
and not look at the heart of people.
Enlarge our enjoyment of and valuing of all people.
Connect with us those who are isolated,
feel left out, or don't seem to fit.
Enable us to be intentional in developing
relational connections of substance.
Father grow us in this facet of
the beauty of relational fullness.
Truly we were made for this ALL the days of our lives!
Thank YOU!