Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bible Fullness Is

To really understand the FULLNESS I am talking about we have to find it in the Bible, which contains eternal truths and revelations of Life. Yup, fullness is sure in there! You just might be surprised at what it includes. Hey, just in case you find the Bible boring (as I did years ago) just ask Him for God encounters. Of course sometimes He sets that up to happen because He wants us to really know Him. That happened to me and the Bible became alive. Truth jumped off the pages! So ask for God encounters He loves those requests for you were made for that!

Of course the earlier post of Full Elaborates Fullness gave us 'full' dictionary definitions that helped expand our understanding of what FULLNESS could possibly include. But there's more, so much more.

BTW the Bible is the Word of God - so if what you believe doesn't line up with the whole counsel of God then best to reconsider your beliefs/experiences.   

Okay, drum roll - the Bible says

For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace. (Jn 1:16)
For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him. (Col 1:19)

For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority. (Col 2:9)

Hmm, looks like fullness is found in a Person. So who is 'Him'? His name is Jesus. He is also known as Emmanuel - meaning God with us. (see Mt 1: 21,23)  Now this has huge ramifications! Watch it unfold throughout this blog.

Sadly some have said or say, 'He's just a man, a prophet, a good teacher, a kind soul.' Boy, are they missing out! But God can show them as deep inside He put within all of us a seeking desire for this fullness. Remember, 'of this fullness we have all received' - it's there waiting to be discovered - but can only be found in Jesus, the Son of God.

Truly Jesus, God in the flesh, came to reveal the Father and His eternal purposes. Do you know He came to more than just save us from our sins. It's bigger than we realize!

Father, grace us with a spirit of wisdom 
and of revelation in the knowledge of Jesus.
To think that in Him the fullness of the Deity dwells!
What does that mean?!
Stir up that part of me that has been made to be 
a seeker of and a receiver of this FULLNESS.
Where I've limited you or believed wrongly bring change.
Your word says I have been made complete in Him.
Have I really experienced the fullness of being made complete?
My life sure doesn't feel like it sometimes.
I don't want to settle for little when there is a lot.
And to think fullness comes by grace upon grace.
Wow, help me even know what that means!

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